Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Blog Assingment 6

Since the beginning of time writing has not been one of my strong points. Although as a child I enjoyed writing music as well as in journals to express my feelings when it came to essays and reports I would RUN. Currently I still don't feel excitement about writing however I know that it is something that I must do at various times in my life so I cannot run from it. Half way through this course I came to the conclusion a decided to give it a shot and learn as much as I can about this specific style of writing. Especially since technical writing will be required of me in my career field of choice.

During this technical writing course I have learned that technical writing is used for communication purpose between engineers and scientist. I have learned how to construct and write several documents such as , a memo, lab report, recommendation report, feasibility studies, and create specification charts and comparisons. These things are constructed with formats and layers that must be properly addressed and well put together.

I have also learned about APAcitations. How to construct them and when and where to put in text citations. I've learned where to collect the proper information that may be needed when doing research. The kind of things to look for and the website that aren't credible or professional although they have tons of information.

I have learned about blogs. I enjoy writing blogs because the pressure of formal writing such as structure, vocabulary, grammar, etc, isn't present when I'm doing blog a assignment so every thing seems to flow more freely and comfortably. I'm at peace and not under tremendous pressure which in turn makes writing that much more pleasurable. Takes me back to the times when writing didn't seem like such a hard thing to do.

Thursday, May 9, 2013



I’m looking to purchase a tablet so I decided to explore product reviews on PCMag.com. I went straight to editor’s choice to see what they thought would be a good buy and why. That’s when I was introduced to the Google Nexus 7.

The Google Nexus is a “WIFI only device, well built, with a long lasting battery life, have one of the fastest mobile processors and to be the best small screen tablet you can buy” (S.Segan,2012) all for under $200.00. This low price may be a punishment as a result from the Nexus not having a rear camera, a camera app, no HDMI and a small selection of storage space. The Nexus 7 only comes with a 8GB or 16GB storage capacity and has a 10 hour and 37 minute battery life. The Nexus was compared to the Toshiba Excite 7.7, and the Galaxy Tab 7.7. The Nexus is said to be “more reflective and less saturated than the high-end AMOLED screens used by the Excite 7.7 and the Galaxy Tab 7.7” (Segan,2012). When compared to the Kindle Fire the Nexus seemed to out shine the competition. The Nexus 7 has a greater performance and web browser than the Kindle fire.

This Review is based on facts. The writer Sascha Segan actually had an opportunity to operate and examine the Nexus 7. The writter says “The Nexus 7 feels well-built, even classy for a $200 tablet and trust me, I've handled plenty of cheap tablet “ (S Segan,2012). If you’re looking to just surf the web and play games the Nexus tab is an excellent choice. It’s not very expensive and you’ll get more for your buck.




LTE is a mobile data network and although some companies are not yet using it they will be in the next 5years or so. So this review is LTE based; however we are seeking to find which phone companies offer LTE, and which phones work best with LTE. Verizon seems to have the most LTE coverage in over 400 cities. The next runner up would be sprint, then Metro PCS, and U.S. Cellular. Of course the IPhone 5 is the first featured phone amongst the group. The IPhone 5 can be covered with companies like AT&T, Sprint, or Verizon. Although the IPhone 5 is well built and very light the LTE AT&T coverage isn’t the best. Verizon has a better LTE support for the IPhone 5. So there is a significance difference in the LTE network depending on the carrier, your living location, and usage area. “AT&T's iPhone 5 offers the same Editors' Choice-winning hardware and software as the Verizon model does, but with a few twists. AT&T allows simultaneous voice and data, which makes the iPhone a much better car GPS when paired with a third-party app like Navigant. But AT&T's unit isn't unlocked for foreign use, and won't roam on LTE networks outside the U.S. and Canada”(S Segan,2012).

The Galaxy S III seems to be the top pick and editor’s choice for AT&T phones. It has great and exciting call quality and features. The Galaxy has a profound speaker that is excellent for indoor and outdoor use. The battery lasts for over 9 hours of talk time. With the option of having a backup because the battery is removable. This can’t be said for the HTC One X. The Galaxy S III is “State-of-the-art everything, Big but light, Advanced call quality features Long battery life”. But the down side is that it has a” Plastic build. Many features are buried deep in the UI”(S Segan,2012).

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Blog Assingment 4

The Nao robot is a of what everyone can expect in the near the future. When the Nao was compared to the Asimo and the HPR-4 it out shun them both. The Nao proved to be more advanced in many ways. The Nao showed more details and ease in the way it moved. The Nao could walk, run, jump, stand on one foot and jump on one foot while maintaining its balance. The Nao has the ability to shake hands and greet the person while doing so. The Nao robot is also able to play sports, hold objects, push objects, poor liquids into a cup, and draw. Artificial intelligence in robotics seems to advance with science and technology. The other robots couldn’t do half of the things the Nao has done and is doing. Altough the Asimo came the closest.

The Asimo moves with ease and grace, sort of human like. It can climb steers, and kick balls. The Asimo has the ability to run and from just seeing it people begin to feel some sort of emotional attachment to it. The Asimo is definetly a remarkable robot. Combined these two robot could make one superior robot.

APA Citation

Intelligence, Artificial. (2002). In A. B. Van Riper, Science in Popular Culture (pp. [153]-155). Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. Retrieved from http://go.galegroup.com/ps/i.do?id=GALE%7CCX2888500053&v=2.1&u=cuny_laguardia&it=r&p=GVRL.Science&sw=w


The Nao robot is the at its peak, the beginning of artificial intelligence; however it is not at its maximum level of artificial intelligence. Reasearchers have came along way in the studies of robotics. This is the reason for the level of artificial intelligence we have today. The Nao robot is the birth of Artificial intelligence because of its human like capabilities. Still there is more to come.

At this time The Nao robot does think just like humans because we are taught through experience and teaching. This learning  pattern we practice is what shapes us as we grow into adult hood. Then we learn how to deal with, answer, act, and think about various situations because we are programmed. Just like the Nao robot is programed we are too. The Nao is programmed to respond to situations based on the information it contains. This act is very similar to what humans do. The Nao even shows some emotional like behaviors. When the Nao was told to be quiet its eyes went from blue to red. To me that was a demonstration of unhappiness or even anger.

If Robots have capabilities of humans it will relieve us humans of a lot of everyday strain. Of course a lot of people will lose jobs; however just knowing your elderly, sickly family member, or child is home being well cared for by a Nao or something like it will put you at ease. With less stress people are able to function better and handle a lot more tasks. This is why I think it is very important for a robot to have artificial intelligence because we can take life and research to another level.

The Nao videos are more appealing to some and fit groups of all ages. I personaly prefer to see the action the read about specifics. That is just what the technical description gives you a detailed technical description. The technical description has software and hardware information that the video doesn’t provide. In the video we see the Nao doing wonderful things with objects; however the tech description shows us how this is possible. Vision is one of the most important capabilities in human-robot interaction. A strong vision capability will allow the robot to see and orient towards objects, to walk to them, grasp them and bring them to the user” ( Stephen, L 2009). Everyone would love to see what’s new or what’s in. However consumers or the general public won’t spend five minutes to read every technical description that is published. If you take the same ideas and show every one exactly what that technical description is describing and how it works on YouTube, you are guaranteed to reach more viewers. People are more interested in seeing an actual example then a description and this is just how the world works.
Arab Scientific,(2010)
Madden,C (2009) Cooperative Human Robot Interaction with the Nao Humanoid: Technical Description Paper for the Radical Dudes